Monday, December 9, 2013

Tok Presentation Outline

TOK IOP Outline Does Perfect Happiness Exist? Con at that places no such involvement as endure ecstasy. The matter which is closest to the idea of lasting rejoicing is contentment. * Happiness is non real thing just now precisely a temp deposit of mind experienced afterwards the pain ceases, so it would fade away after a while and another(prenominal) pain would start. This cycle of comfort and pain goes on unceasingly in most peoples lives. * Absence of pain is not contentment, nevertheless contentment. You feel happy after you overcome a pain, but if there is no pain; happiness we bastardly here cannot live. * Pursuing happiness is like a expedition which never ends. First you chase some refer as destination. wherefore as soon as you incur got that point you odour up to another distant point as destination. You argon happy upon reaching each milestone, but the happiness is not quite because you reach there, but because you now chit-c hat yourself walking(prenominal) to the next point. Pro Bliss (noun) utter(a) happiness; great joyousness (Oxford Dictionary) The word Bliss means a pure(a) happiness or great joy. Some people exponent go on this word carried in a dictionary does not embody in the world but it does.
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Well, though there is regular controversy concerning this problem, if we look up some reasons for this insistence, it actually makes sense. wishing we defined at the beginning, happiness is a temporary enounce of mind experienced after the pain ceases. Yes that is right. However, dont we think or at least feel perfect happiness after we overcome our pain even though its just a temporary state? For example, adjure up you brook j! ust finished a spacious cat or taken a test that has been so stressful. You likely feel perfect happiness since youve been under so oft pressure for a long time and at long last you drop out from it. Even though you still have concern or problem, you would feel that is so tiny thing or you might not even recognize that you have concern. That is perfect happiness, though it is just temporary....If you want to get a full essay, parade it on our website:

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