Monday, December 9, 2013

Explain the Difference Between Sequence and Rate of Each Aspect of Development from Birth – 19 Years

Explain the difference between sequence and rate of individu in ally aspect of growing from birth 19 age Child come apartment is a process any child goes through. This process involves discipline and mastering accomplishments like sitting, walking, talking, skipping, and ligature shoes. Children con these skills, called  exploitational mileposts, during sure snip periods. A developmental milestone is a skill that a child look ats within a specific time var.. For instance, one developmental milestone is education to walk. Most children learn this skill or developmental milestone between the ages of 9 and 15 months.  Milestones develop in a sequential fashion. This centre that a child allow for take up to develop near skills before he or she illusion develop advanced skills. For ex international amperele, children must first learn to crawl and to pull up to a stand up position before they are capable to walk. Each milestone that a child acquires builds on the abide milestone developed. We direct know that our mind-sets are not full developed at birth. In fact, a babys brain weighs astir(predicate) one quarter (1/4) of what an adults brain weighs! The brain grows very chop-chop during the first several long time of life. During this time, your child is learning all sorts of new skills.
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  Because children usually acquire developmental milestones or skills during a specific time frame or window, we can predict when most children will learn different skills. Children develop skills in five chief(prenominal) areas of development: 1. Cognitive festering This is the childs expertness to learn and work problems. For exampl e, this accepts a two-month-old baby learni! ng to seek the environment with hold or eyes or a five-year-old learning how to do simple math problems. 2. Social & Emotional Development This is the childs ability to interact with others, including helping themselves and self-control. Examples of this type of development would include: a six-week-old baby smiling, a ten-month-old baby waving bye-bye, or a...If you want to get a full essay, guild it on our website:

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