Monday, December 9, 2013

Vulnerable Population And Self Awareness

Vulnerable Populations and Self-Aw atomic number 18ness Karen Kennedy NUR 440 January 9, 2012 Dolores Martinez Vulnerable Populations and Self-Awareness When speaking of a unprotected population, angiotensin-converting enzyme could deliberate that vulnerable population could be anyone or anything. unhurried sub-populations who are at enhanced risk for harm resulting from a unsoundness or condition, or by the effects of a drug, much(prenominal) as people with compromised immune systems (Health Canada, 2011). It also thunder crisscross be thought of as, in the context of an emergency, a psyche who might need additional assistance because of langu grow barriers, a disability, limited resources or other reason (APHA, 2012). Then it has been conduct that a group of people with certain characteristics that cause it to be at greater risk of having poor health (Endowment for Health, 2011). completely way that vulnerability is looked upon the bottom line, is that there is a separate that is in need of help or assistance. I headstrong to choose the Ocampo household to evaluate and give a outline on their vulnerability. The Ocampos have non only their age as vulnerability, but they also have their culture that makes them vulnerable as well. The Ocampos were an elderly couple. Dr. Ocampo is a retired pathologist and dwells with his married char Lydia. Lydia has Alzheimers.
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They vital in the United States and their only child died at 22 years of age in a fatigue vehicle accident. Both of the Ocampos have no at once relatives living in the United States. They have only nephews and nieces that live in the Philippines. As we grow older, we fa ce challenges that we think we pose handle! that sometimes our bodies do non allow us to achieve. This can be assistance with daily living activities, which we did not realize would become a incubus on us. As people grow older, they face an increasing risk of crack of autonomy (Bonnet, Cambois, Cases, Gaymu, 2011). When we lose that autonomy, we have to depend on soulfulness else to provide us with help. This can be a impression on someone...If you want to get a full essay, floorshow it on our website:

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