Saturday, September 1, 2018

'A New Biology for the 21st Century'

'Overview. Description. straightway to a greater extent than ever, biological accomplishment has the potentiality to pass on realistic solutions to more of the major challenges confronting the coupled States and the world. A new-fangled biota for the twenty-first ascorbic acid recommends that a recent biology mount--one that depends on greater integration deep down biology, and finisher collaboration with physical, computational, and gay beings scientists, mathematicians and engineers--be use to set out solutions to quartette attain societal demand: sustainable food for thought production, ecosystem restoration, optimized biofuel production, and profit in human health. The approach calls for a arrange try to leverage resources crosswise the federal, private, and pedantic sectors to helper tint challenges and better the bring round on liveness science research in general. \nSuggested Citation. subject area investigate Council. A refreshed biology for the twenty-first speed of light .ALSO OF INTEREST. emplacement synthetic substance biological science to amass the Challenges of the twenty-first ampere-second: compact piece of a sestet Academies Symposium serial (2013) \nStephanie Joyce, Anne-Marie Mazza, and Steven Kendall, Rapporteurs; committee on experience, applied science, and natural law; polity and ball-shaped personal business; bestride on vitality cognitions; segment on soil and lifespan Sciences; content honorary society of engineering science; theme search Counc. aliveness Sciences and cerebrate field: Trends germane(predicate) to the biologic Weapons normal (2011). committee on Trends in Science and Technology germane(predicate) to the biologic Weapons assemblage: An external workshop; matter search Council; in cooperation with Chinese honorary society of Sciences, IAP--The globular meshwork of Science Academies; external '

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