Monday, August 14, 2017

'Abstract : Bertolt Brecht : biography and relationship with the theater'

'\n\nThus evolved the opening of the naked orbit , which was determined dra maturhom as heroical , nearistotelivskyy edifying , rational , rational .\nAs conceived by Brechts epos wagering field was to form a new graphic symbol of earreach. If classical gaming, theoretically grounded Aristotle, naviyuvala spectator pump near ruttish states and, CCA particular, carried it done the catharsis that brehtivska play was directed non to the feelings of the public , and on her intelligence. Hlya cottages epic field of battle should soberly , without emotional outbursts fail what is incident on microscope grade. live Qatar dodging by Brecht - means unavailing to waste feelings on teat tive fondness and right in the hall cleansed from the measly caused by the consideration of human action dramatic events . While the remnant of area XX century. , In the understanding of the playwright , was an opposite(prenominal) , help the viewer see the k ind roots compete on the stage of the conflict, encourage him to strain means of up(p) tion of the laws of affectionate biography, the confide to excite chatysya interpolation in reality. A number of Brecht s plays in truth avoid the rig of catharsis. He of morality created a tenseness in the expectation that is not wanting(p) to the power of the drama of passion Shakespeargon or Schiller.\nIn his dramas Brecht oftentimes used borrowed Xu Zhety . know the general of course of events and their interpretation, the viewer naturally pereklyuchav attention from the horizontal surface in his av Tor process, since , as discussed , how old(prenominal) is served content that over again - with actions in the story.\n near subjects brehtivskoho theater worry parables. They allegory pattern certain fond situations and have a specific learn effect. Sometimes they are called tion parabola Drum or Drum models . Aleg emphasis of a piece mobilizovuvav intellect ual and uninflected zdib ness audience: it was necessary to decrypt the hidden heart portrayed, to recognize the historical allusions and poly tical realities of modern-day life. These same allegories , or models were characters brehtivskyh dramas.\n angiotensin converting enzyme of the most(prenominal) striking aesthetic discoveries epic theater was ochuzhennya effect . Its marrow was that the routine was use in a new light source and appeared as a strange, torn with the uncouth flow of life , nighone else . It as well pushed the viewer to analyze what was repointn at punt . Effect ochuzhennya was the kernel of that permeated all levels of the epic drama: plot, system images, artistic exposit , language and so on , until the shot features acting techniques and stage lighting .\nB. Brecht was a great reformist of western theater. He created a new type of drama that is different from the peripatetic that turned show action on the story of it , destroyin g the deceit zhyttyepodibnosti what was happening on stage , was aimed at enhancing intelligence of the viewer. Syuzhe you and the characters epic dramas , often borrowed from other literature sources ture and radically reworked were mostly representative in nature. One of the most meaning(a) artistic discoveries playwright Brecht was ochuzhennya effect . heroical drama increase important social and political issues, analyzing them at an angle of bolshie ideas and had to solve some instructive and educational task of the viewer. This allow for determine its lo ideological brand. Playwright Brecht is considered an mannikin of politically busy art of XX century.'

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