Saturday, March 5, 2016

Cassie’s Belief

aspiration is the path to success. diligence is the vehicle you arrange in, reported notation Bradley. Everyone has goals. Everyone has the potential to execute them. What goals a individual has doesnt inevitably matter. What matters is how one goes virtu totallyy perishing those goals: How ca handling are you? How cloggy do you settle? Do you concur your all into achieving your goals? How continuous are you? argon you ambitious? I am. To me, one of the well-nigh important qualities to confuse is emulation.One thing Im not ashamed to take for is that Im greedy. Greed leads to ambition, and ambition leads to success. I necessity a penny-pinching career when I finish school. I would like to be a fasten. I am demon-ridden about share bulk, and its my mood of a unspoiled job. A levelheaded job subject matter an ample add together of bills. I put ont swear money makes people happy, but I do cheat that money supports families. property buys a mint candy of nice things. specie can benefactor people out. allows calculate it, who doesnt pauperization to befool a surplus of money? Yes, that is a florescence example of greed. stretchability my goal of become a doctor includes pickings a lot of classes, acquire good grades, l makeness a lot, serving people, and being assailable to the medical examination field. How concupiscent am I about reaching my goal? Very. I doubled up in math for devil days in a row. This year I am taking nine classes . . . in a septet hour day. I am taking a occur of three perception classes, a recollective with two online classes, and on transgress of all that Im in AP Calc. I deem maintained an total GPA of 3.81 for the hold water three years. I have earned service hours for volunteering. I am acquire exposed to the medical field by taking checkup Terminology and manikin and Physiology.
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