Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Marketing Paper

SWOT Analysis The main loudnesss our company has over screen out competitors is that this return has not really ever been made by anyone. It too comes in many different colors that assemblage to a distribute of different styles. We also wavy, straight, and curly styles that put on it approximately impossible for an some other company to come come on with a new fruit that could top ours. Another extensive strength that we ingest is that Beyonce and Taylor Swift have tried retort away our product and loved it. They have told us that they would do a commercial in the future to build up our products name out there. These are two actually cosmic names, so many stack go forthing opine them. We believe there are simply two weaknesses that will ruin our company right shoot the bat. The first is that our company is injury new and unproven. It will be tough to get reach our feet and make a lot of commonwealth hear approximately our product. We will have to do a very sizeable job marketing, and figuring out what people hope to have. Our other weakness that we whitethorn observe is that this is the first type of hair flank that has been introduced into the market. People may not trust how it works, until people start to use it. We have a big opportunity because of how open the market is in our product line. There is cypher in the hair extension market that is even coating to what weve designed. Once people let on how effective and liberal it is to put in and take out the extensions, our product will be a high good for consumers. Because it is so unique, I believe everyone will want to punish it out and discover how well it works. There is really exactly one curse that our company has to deal with. That threat is other companies stealing our sentiment and taking away from our business. Once our hair extensions become very popular, other companies will want to get in on the business and make m oney for themselves. hopefully people will! stay loyal to our brand, because of how great a product we produce.If you want to get a full essay, raise it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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