Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Marfan's Syndrome

Marfan syndrome is a condition that alters the connective tissue, which is what provides the framework for growth and ontogenesis in humans (Government, 2011). Marfan syndrome causes the connective tissue to behave incorrectly, which in turn affects many body administrations including the eyes, heart, blood vessels, lungs, skeleton, nervous placement and skin (Government, 2011). This syndrome is an inherited trouble oneself transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait, and affects men, women and children of all races and ethnic backgrounds (Chen, 2011). Considered rather prevalent, Marfan syndrome affects an estimated 1 in 5,000 people (Government, 2011). This roughness results from a mutation in a gene placed on chromosome 15 that tells the body to break away fibrillin-1, which is a protein of importance in connective tissue ( ginzo pig marfan foundation:, 2011). Due to this defect, the level of the protein entitled transforming growth cypher beta (TGFB) is developmentd ( topic marfan foundation:, 2011)., With an increase in TFGB there is significant damage to the tissue passim the body(National marfan foundation:, 2011). A person with Marfan syndrome is born with the infirmity; further symptoms may not be noticed until afterwards on in their life (Government, 2011). Although the defect that results in Marfans Syndrome is located on the same gene, different characteristics are expressed in each individual (Government, 2011). This phenomenon is referred to as variable expression, and it is not insofar known why this occurs within Marfan Syndrome (Government, 2011). Although everyone who is a toter of this disorder is affected differently, some common visual cues to this disorder are tall thin stature, disproportionally long legs and arms, curvature of the spine, gallop marks, and move teeth (National marfan foundation:, 2011). However, not everyone expresses these and sometimes the personal effects of this disorder cannot be seen such as enlarged aorta, disgustful nearsightedness,! and collapse...If you want to get a blanket(a) essay, order it on our website:

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