Monday, February 10, 2014

"Love in L.A." vs. "The Red Convertible" - Compare and Contrast

The stories have it away in L.A. and the rosy Convertible equals and demarcations in a couple ways. In twain stories the gondola is use to construct through problems and to start problems. The setting, plot, characters, and other factors make both stories reserve common features and differ. Jake in the Love in L.A. and heat content from Red Convertible both analyze dramatic anyy, though they contrast also. Settings in both short stories differ from country to city. In both stories the railroad car causes conflict but also look at the characters together. In Love in L.A., Jake crashes into another car. This causes a grand conflict amongst him and a fine looking women named Mariana. Jake flirts with Mariana and lies to her to keep her forefront come to of the car damage. Mariana seems to be flattered but Jake is notwithstanding when arouse in getting away clean. He hands all dour information to her. Now I feel that Jake tin can be compared to heat content in The Red Convertible. Henry is the erstwhile(a) brother between him and Lyman. Henry is drafted in Vietnam and is shaken up badly. He is not himself anymore. He acts very strange until Lyman destroys the car that the two cherished. Henry fixes the car back up and seems to be almost normal again. Henry only lied to his family by playing normal. He goes insane and drowns himself in the lake. I compare Jake and Henry by the lies they both told. They contrast by the lies humanness told in two different forms. Jake lied through cosmos sly and persuasive and Henry lied through acting normal. The setting in both short stories compare in the time epoch. In the story Love in L.A. the time was not mentioned, but Jake was driving a 1958 Buick. That being the only clue to... If you want to get a full essay, dedicate it on our website:

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