Saturday, February 1, 2014

Hard Times

NameProfessorSubjectDateCharacter Analysis of Thomas Gradrind in the Thomas Gradrind is the first destiny presented in the book by Charles Dickens . He is mastermind of the central figures through whom the author weaves a web of intricately connected characters and plotlines The main central features of his character are his mat attitude and appearance that is mechanized . Mr . Gradrind s opening speech to a group of young students during the opening scene embodies his dryness and the dispute fact that he impounds in his student s headsGradrind is best be sick physically as an obstinate carriage , square behave out , square legs , square shoulders by the narrator , which is revelatory of Gradrind s harsh rigidity (Dickens , 2001 ,.47 During the first few chapters , Gradrind expounds his philosophy of conniving his s ane self interest group . He believes that military public nature move be governed by complete sharp rules . He is similarly ready to weigh and measure whatever parcel of human nature and be satisfactory to signalize what it comes to . He lives by a joyless , pure memorisation approach to grooming and biography . In the novel , his scare approach regarding knowledge is sh giveNow , what I regard is , Facts . Teach these boys and girls zilch but Facts . Facts just are wanted in life . Plant nonhing else , and root out everything else . You can simply form the minds of debate animals upon Facts : nothing else will ever be of any divine service to them . This is the principle on which I bring up my own children , and this is the principle on which I bring up these children . outsmart to Facts , sir (Dickens , 2001.47By this philosophy , he was able to triumph financially and socially Even his way of existing as a hardware merchant is an implication of his neu tering on hard secular reality . He likewi! se became a member of the fantan and this position allowed him to indulge his interest tabulating data about quite a little from England . though he is not a factory owner , he evinces the spirit of Industrial Revolution as he treats multitude like a machine that can be cut back to a number of principles of scienceAlthough it seems that the narrator s of Gradrind seems depressing , the latter(prenominal) also undergoes noteworthy change in the novel which afterward catches the narrator s philanthropy . This is when Louisa confessed to Gadrind that something very important is missing in her life and that she is depressing about marrying Bounderby . This makes Gradrind realize that the education body that he has is not perfect This is also proven when he learned that tom , his son , robbed the bank of Bounderby . After Gradrind realizes his failures , he admits to himself that he is really sorry for relying too much on facts . The dilemmas of his children made him sense of smell and learn love , compassion and lugubriousness . He subsequent becomes a humble man and make his facts and figures in greater connection with the virtues of faith , hope and charity...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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