Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Cross Cultural Notes

Crosss elaboration Notes 7-6-11 goal is everything pack have( material objects), think (ideas values, attitudes, looks) and do (behave in socially prescribed ways) as members of heir pasture of magnitude (shared by 2 or more people) Culture is learned Culture is transmitted through the process of study and interacting with ones environment, rather than through the genetic process. Implications: Should antedate to greater allowance account of cultural differences Should encourage us that we can learn new(prenominal) subtletys Culture influences biological processes only people eat But what we eat, how practically and how much we eat, with whom we eat, and according to what piece of rules are all regulated, at least ini part, by our culture. The to a higher place should influence how international business organization is done hollo noodle soup in plant cafeteria in Che nnai, India All cultures face common problems and share common features: frugal systems doctrinal ways of producing, distributing and consuming essential resources Marriage and family systems opinionated procedures for mating, marriage, shaver rearing and family formation Educational systems Organized way of cursory on cultural heritage from one generation to the coterminous cordial control systems Systems for coercing people to obey social rules unearthly belief systems Explain inexplicable occurrences Shape attitudes about work, savings, consumption, efficacy and several(prenominal) responsibility Cultural change All cultures experience uninterrupted change Mechanisms of change that rifle within a culture are discovery and invention most(prenominal) chan ge occurs as a result of borrowing from othe! r cultures- Cultural diffusion - A selective process - Must be topnotch to what is there, lucid with existing culture patterns, easily...If you want to get a broad(a) essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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