Thursday, January 9, 2014


My name is Jose cruz and I was born and raised in Rochester NY and my p arents are from the sunny hot tropical island of Puerto Rico. So you tin can offer in a way that I am NY Rican as they say. Even though my parents came here(predicate) from their existing country to the collapse pot of the United States I still insist I am from the islands and hold true the culture from where I am from. My parents did a good job of bringing us up in the Puerto Rican way of life with the language and usages that comply from human race from Puerto Rico. The one specialty that I fall out up bring in our ways, in my opinion, is the food is however absolutely delicious. When depositing the aromas that mother across your nose making your mouth water and bragging(a) your mass this sudden urge of being hungry. The one matter I absolutely love cooking with is the number one tradition in cooking would be c anyed the Sofirto. It is a give way of different vegetable and spices all g rinded up unneurotic to chance variable this delicious flavor and added to our main dishes. It is added to strain and beans and soups and its just like when you take for instance garlic and let it cook with the oil for other dishes for flavor. Same opinion but this to me is the trump out flavor in the world.
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other tradition we have is the hogget clapperclaw and that is by faraway the tastiest grunter I have come across ever. We resistant of have this pig roast at every intimacy being from a attractive 15 to a wedding ceremony and even a baptism or just a patently birthday party. It is a border that we build gadgets for the pig to be roasted on a stick and turned either m anually or with a motor contraption. It is s! omething for the men in our culture to cook the pig from the morning till it is fourth dimension to have feast with all the trimmings of the Puerto Rican way. It entails rice and beans, potatoes or macaroni salad your bread and salads. Also I forgot to mention we have these appetizers which are called empanadas which is like a tortilla with sum on the inside and fried, which approximately people love here in...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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