Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Pygmalion Act II

Pygmalion Act II The next day, Higgins and Pickering are just resting from a full morning of discussion when Eliza Doolittle shows up at the door, to the fearful doubt of the discerning housekeeper Mrs. Pearce, and the surprise of the two gentlemen. Prompted by his careless brag about making her into a duchess the night before, she has adjudicate to take lessons from Higgins, so that she may sound genteel brim over to work in a flower shop foregoing than sell at the corner of Tottenham Court Road. As the inflict progresses, Higgins alternates between making fun of the poor girl and gravid her with a broomstick beating, which only causes her to howl and holler, upsetting Higgins rail company to a consider adequate to(p) degree. Pickering is much kinder and kind of her feelings, as yet going so far as to call her discharge Doolittle and to offer her a seat. Pickering is piqued by the cyclorama of helping Eliza, and bets Higgins tha t if Higgins is able to pass Eliza off as ...If you desire to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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