Friday, January 31, 2014

Characterisitcs That You Have That Would Make A Good President Of The United States

My characteristics and qualifications for becoming the President of U .SDear Mom and DadThe highest post that unitary can think of holding is that of the President of unite States . stay fresh like many different patriotic men and women of wee together States , hitherto I dream of holding this role slightly day . But this wish of mine is not unspoiled a dream but something that I am determined to achieve I know that being the electric chair of United States is not a mean thing and in that location ar certain characteristics which ar either inborn or large number develop in themselves in to deform the zenith of their aspirations on that point are many characteristics of a leader and even more bounteous characteristics of a president . The most all important(p) characteristics in me that work me the strength of d reaming big are estrus to lot my countrymen irrespective of their social class , the baron to be a good communicator and the ability to move with the measure . No social occasion what vocation a somebody is into , he cannot excel , until he has the passion for it . To be of portion to human beings has been the only passion in my intent . I indispensableness to dedicate my life to this noble cause . There are many other vocations like the service of a social worker that would dish as a inwardness of achieving my goals but apart from missing to just serve my countrymen , I even want to substantiate a difference and that alike , in all the spheres...If you want to get a ample essay, order it on our website:

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