Sunday, December 8, 2013

Garlic - the Ultimate Alternative Medicine

ail: Its Uses as an Alternative Medicine Outline thesis Statement: tied(p) though ongoing medications be working pretty to bring to some illnesses and diseases, garlic should be apply as an utility(a) medicament because garlic is all indispensable and has been used for more centuries. ail has many a(prenominal) uses that are more beneficial than flowing scientifically man-made medicines. I. garlic is uses ecumenically as persistent as historical events afford been landed. A. garlic has been used health all-inclusivey for many centuries. B. Chinese dynasties consumed garlic as medicine. C. An inscription of Egyptian record the garlic consumed by laborers. II. Garlic has uses that are universal; it can be used as an modifynative medicine as well as a food. A. Garlic contains ii natural forms. 1. Selenium, anti-dote to poison 2. Antibiotic, known as the poor man penicillin 3. alter garlic skin as a mild tranquilizer. B. Garlic comes in several different forms; it contains nutritional values, vitamins, and minerals. III. For years garlic has been the topic of many conflicting and intensive research. A. There nourish been doubts about modern scientific medicine and its effectiveness. B. Treat the broad as a whole.
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1. Patients often suffer side erect up from pharmaceutical drugs. 2. Prevention is the key to improvements. C. Historical rivals are victorious the scene again over modern medicines. D. Garlic has! make is reputation. IV. Synthesized and chemically pure drugs are the fashion in medicine. A. wellness conscious people are taking a reject on a better choice. B. Garlic passed the broadly recognized as Safe List. Garlic has almost sour a cure all roles as a medicinal herb. It has been used in many forms by people throughout the world. Garlic is a herb...If you want to get a full essay, mark it on our website:

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