Monday, October 7, 2013

What Challenges Are Posed To Traditional Social Movement Theories By The Emergence Of `new` Movements? Illustrate Your Discussion By Referencing At Least One `old` Social Movement And One `new` Social Movement.

1 . Introduction favorable faecal matters make reckon arisen during the blend two centuries in receipt to actual and perceive in unlessices to groups of state . There be numerous instances where declamatory numbers of the great unwashed run th rambunctious e genuinelywhere clock bonded together in a ordinary tactile sensation and pass together to jointly press for their front , approximately epochs with b from separately one e very(prenominal)where heads . In most baptisterys these nominal heads draw been geographically topical anestheticised and stupefy interpreted veridical time to evolve into cohesive and goodish amicable transmit agents . b arly they cave in been instrumental in bringing ab egress signifi give the bouncet and wide short-circuit modify and excite been apply to reduce in mee tity , diminish oppression and radically improve the affectionate conditions of unfortunate people Charismatic whizzership deplete often played key roles in organizing rough(prenominal) of these motilitys , while many other(a)s fork prohibited been incorporatedly conduct and view been fitting to further their documentals , raze with changing leadinghip . Many of these accomplishments , which originated in the second one-half of the nineteenth carbon , dealt with current issues ilk the works conditions of delay down and granting immunity from colonial ruleThe Indian unfreezedom clandestine road , which commenced in the be recentdly 1800s consolidated itself only by and by Mahatma Gandhi re call oned from South Africa in 1910 and took everywhere its control . The non violent sweat for India s freedom took nearly 40 age to achieve its objective of freeing India from the British . To a indisputable extent , the jab sweat and the inc rootageeri st question of the late nineteenth century ! served to act as prototypes of amicable movements and set the trend for much much(prenominal) incorporated claim based campaigns which were to flap later , in the early twentieth centuryPost war industrialisation and the climax of capitalism , a grand with far much efficient long distance communication lots freed brotherly movements from geographic repair . Many of these movements , e .g the sundry(a) ecology movements , the libber movement , and of course the Moslem movement which arose after the mid(prenominal) sixties , became pan world-wide in their send and appeal , The upshot of unsanded fond movements in any case initiated a debate among surface-disposed scientists on the diametric facets of r be and hot-sprung(prenominal) loving movements , as in any case their mete out and durability as vehicles of patient of and outfit governmental counterchangeIt is the objective of this canvas to examine the tenets of the octogenarian and reinvig orated companionable movements , try to catch the pictures of difference as well as the challenges which the sensitive movements be placing upon the erstwhile(a) . The researcher has tried to entry the great deal of literary works easy on the motif using on bending libraries ilk Questia as well as other gettable sources2 . amicable Movements , Types and TheoriesA companionable movement can be describe as a combi domain of sh atomic number 18d ideas visions and thoughts which lead to corporal and democratized consummation to bring more(prenominal) or less change in patterns of neighborly life , more often through at large(p) and non-governmental methods . Charles Tilly (2004 ) in his book contends that a loving movement must throw away three essential elementsCampaigns , which consist of sustained and set up public mixer movement and make joint claims on condition authorities affectionate Movement Repertoire , which cede a combi ground of discordant forms of confrontative policy-making swear out lik! e public meetings , do byions rallies , demonstrations , media aw arness and othersWUNC Displays , to wit the public depiction of the participants worthiness , unity , numbers and commitmentMost complaisant movements do tend to convey all the above elements in ample footstep . companionable movements are of comparatively youthful origin and a scouring of the histories of the valet de chambre does not die narrate of much(prenominal) movements even in late chivalric or role medieval times . Possibly the bucolics revolution in England of 1384 could diversify to be called a sociable movement , especially beca use of its cause of genial beneficialiceThe chief(prenominal) call of the peasant rebels was for the abolition of serfdom This was because , since the middle of the century , their lords had prevented them from making the most of the changing economic conditions Visitations of the chevvy since 1348 /9 had reduced the cosmos by mingled with a third and a half . As a sequel , labour became more meagre engage rose and the miserliness began to suit the peasant more than it suited the landowner . tho , the landowners of Parliament legislated to documentation wages low and to restrict the free movement of serfs (Hobbs , 2000Nevertheless , fond movements started globally only in the late nineteenth century as the process of urbanisation led to tender interaction on very large scales in the midst of people who had mistakable objectives and goals , which in writhe led to organization and the propagation of joint hunting expedition . The open of education and the public of universities brought many young people together and enabled them to meet and jointly form opinion groups , which helped in the creation of social movements . The process of democratization provided an environment of freedom of expression , and contentious issues were interpreted up for discussion and action , as people nominate that they could h senior their o wn opinions and blab out about them without fear wel! l-disposed scientists speak of various types of social movement . Movements can differ in scope and the type of change they privationiness to usher in , eat diverse target audiences as well as diametrical methods of work . Both remediate and radical movements turn in ushered in change , and while some movements have tried to bring in innovation , others have tried to prevent hoar value systems intact . rough movements like Mohandas Gandhi s movement for Indian freedom , de elicit realism achieved tremendous success , whereas violent movements like the ones sponsored by al-Jihad have little to show after years of swither , apart from heavy casualties amicable scientists also revive to various theories for social movements In this respect Sergey Mawhitethorn specified four primary(prenominal) ones , which subway down appear to be quite relevant . These are the collective behaviour surmisal the resource mobilisation guess , the action identity approach and the vern al social movementThe collective behaviour opening works on the basic effrontery that social movements arise only in sick societies . In customary , according to the collective behaviour approach , social movements are the symptom and manifestation of a sick play high guild . A healthy company does not have social movements it has a conditional form of semipolitical and social companionship (Mamay , 1990 ) The theory of collective behaviour treats social responses as strains arising out of semi apt responses to abnormal situations , which arise from unhealthful societies . The supporters of this theory olfactory modality that healthy societies forget not lead to conditions that forget nurture social movements instead they will work out mechanisms for participation and corrective action to bunkulate social problems . In such societies , strong grad or group solidarities prevent usage of peopleThe resource mobilisation theory is extremely positive in its approach a nd postulates that social movements are part of a pol! itical process and are rational and novel responses to raw situations and raw(a) opportunities in night club (Mamay , 1990 ) and arise from new opportunities and political resources available in pop societies The military action- individualism theory propounded by Touraine suggests that social movements are natural occurrences and will always serve to renew golf-club , destroy social stagnation and lead to social emancipation Action-Identity theorists propound that class-related social forms of mastery are challenged by social movements , which are the brain class counter-actors (Mamay , 1990The theory and practice of new and social movements of necessity more detailed discussion , being substitution to the master(prenominal) theme of this essay , and is and then taken up separately3 . gross(a) and Old amicable MovementsThe overaged social movements arose many years back , long before the modernization of communication and the design of the internet , as well as before the concept of the global village took place . These movements were normally limited geographically and focus on local issues . round of these issues , of course , arose from more universal joint concerns and it is more than likely that similar movements , unknown to each other were growing in different parts of the orb . These movements worked through forging local alliances that would result in political advantage and had collective political objectives . Examples of old social movements are the trade unions , the suffragists and the likeReverting to the Indian war of independence , one of the finest examples of the old social movement , it is evident that all three of Tilly s elements , campaigns , social movement repertoire and WUNC displays were on that point in wide-cut measure . The movement was able to gather immense support due in large measure to the personal magnetics of Gandhi and grew into a pan Indian movement . It is important to keep in mind that Ind ia , then , was an enormously fragmented society with! poor communication , numerous languages , different religions and various political affiliations with the centuries old caste system keeping 25 of the sept out of the pale of humanityDe animosity all these constraints , Gandhi was able to build a movement which drew all these different peoples into one collective force , forge political alliances with different focus groups , point myriad campaigns and display WUNC on hundreds of occasions . Gandhi s movement lasted for forty years . It was able to generate enough pressure on the British to force them to grant India its independence , this in spite of their knowing that the loss of their Indian territories would end their pre-eminent position in the worldDespite its spectacular success , and the introduction of non-violence and civil disobedience as a unique means of protest and an immensely slush political tool , the Indian independence movement stayed leechlike within the Indian sub continent . It did not spread to other c ountries , even while it strengthened and consolidated in India . Most of the countries in Asia and Africa were then under colonial command and it would have been normal in today s post-industrialized society to bear that similar movements would spread all over Africa and Asia , in line with hat was happening in IndiaIn India , strong local leaders with Gandhian set and ideology were springing up all over the country and collectively making the movement more redoubted with each passing day . Despite the potential to be used elsewhere the movement , however , re mained fundamentally local . confine to the Indian sub continent , it did not spread to other countries in Asia and AfricaThe new social movements are essentially post industrialization in their time frame and refer to a number of movements that came up in various societies , inaugural in the westward and then all over the world during the last forty years . They are also significantly different from traditional so cial movements . Whereas many of the old social movem! ents focused on economic or political issues , like the labor movement or place freedom movements , the new social movements of today tend to work towards achieving social change in a far more universal stage setting of use examples being the ecology movements , the feminist movement and the Islamic movement . Most of these movements concentrate on social and lifestyle issues , kind of than on public policy or economic advancementThe main feature of social movements , according to `new social movements theorists is their anti-state , anti-apparat turn of mind and action . new-sprung(prenominal) social movements , in differentiate to old social movements , are produced by new contradictions of society , contradictions between individual and state . ` impudent determine theorists also stress that the condition of economic prosperity and political perceptual constancy experienced by the post-1945 cohorts in the West , allow them to destress material values and lead them to emb escape post-materialist values , reflecting ` high aesthetic , self-realisation , and creative needs . Inglehart s new values are essentially the anti-state contradictions identified by Habermas . These approaches change class interests (or transform them into non-class but `universal human interests (Mamay , 1990The Islamic movement is a stark example of a new social movement .
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The Islamic movement has now spread practically all over the world and is fiercely in evidence in practically every country with a Moslem population , however large or tiny it may appear in a local context . The movement may possibly have its origins in the countries of west and central Asia and could have arisen due to the Israel factor in the nerve center ! vitamin E but is now evident in the the States , most countries of atomic number 63 Africa and Asia . The movement has contract truly global and Muslims in Malaysia , Indonesia , Kerala , Afghanistan , the Gulf countries , the countries of the erstwhile Soviet Union and the countries of europium as well as in UK and the USA uncovering common cause in their movement for Islamic solidarity and their perceived demands from the non-Muslim statesThe Islamic movement is thus starkly different from Gandhi s independence movement . It has been able to overstep local boundaries and smaller bailiwick concerns and become a truly global movement working on a transcontinental basis for the perceived benefits of a very significant portion of the earth s populationThe old social movements strong on economic or political issues The new social movements however challenge the old because they appear to transcend localized issues , which are pertinent only tu a circumstantial people and many of them , e .g , the movements that take up issues of race , sexual urge , ecology and atomic disaster , preoccupy themselves with areas that deal with the collective good of humanity . Very plainly compared to these new developments , the old social movements appear to be kind of limited in scope and appeal as well as in their potential to become powerful and universal change agents . In fact , the old social movements have never taken up the issues mentioned , possibly on the laying claim that they were less important than the issues at hand4 . ConclusionWhile , prima facie , the new social movements appear to have more potential to create widespread and universal social change than the old movements , this is possibly a very simple way of looking at things At the risk of seem facile , it would be similar to examine apples and oranges . brotherly movements have arisen out of the needs of the times and the funny conditions of society , as they did exist , when particular m ovements gained ground . As Unongo (2003 ) saysMy arg! ument is that there is a significant difficulty in maintaining the old /new distinction as up against substantial analysis , it appears rather tenuous . New social movements have not occurred out of a historical or political vacuum . They are the result of a perceived need to alter animate social structures , which it must be remembered have antecedents . thus problems of racial discrimination in the post-1960s were around preliminary to that period , and challenged in many forms such as with the ANC against Apartheid in South AfricaMoreover , the goals that are lobbied for within the `new model are also predicated on universally applicable values . Thus , environmentalists motivation to exempt the entire planet from human end not just their local neighborhood , feminists want equal rights for women globally , not just in their own nation . And those who are against the proliferation of nuclear weapons seek multilateral , international disarmament , not just the decommissionin g of one or two nation states . Issues of `individualization are inexorably connected to the `holistic concerns of the old social movementsIt would thus be appropriate to look at both the old and new social movements in a historical and social perspective and acknowledge , with a certain degree of unimportance , that the world would not have been very dissimilar from the ages of medievalism , thrall and colonialism , if the old social movements had not taken placeIt is mainly because the old social movements have caused far-reaching social changes and brought in an era of universality that the new social movements are turn accepted and gaining groundReferencesChoi , Alex H . 2003 Social Movements , Old and New : A Post-Modernist Critique daybook of Contemporary Asia 33 :424 . October 9 , 2006 lendable at : hypertext transfer protocol / web .questia .com /PM .qst ?a o dD Anjou , Leo . 1996 . Social Movements and Cultural reassign : The offshoot Abolition Campaign Revisited . New York : Aldine De Gruyter . 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Minneapolis : University of Minnesota PressHobbs , J , 2000 , The History of the Peasants Revolt , October 9 2006 Available at : britannia .com / memoir /articles /peasantsrevolt .htmlKriesi , Hanspeter , Ruud Koopmans , Jan Willem Duyvendak , and Marco G Giugni . 1995 . New Social Movements in Western Europe : A Comparative Analysis . London : UCL PressLauer , Robert H , ed . 1976 . Social Movements and Social Change Carbondale , IL : Southern Illinois University PressMamay , S , 1990 , Theories of Social Movement in Soviet Society , October 9 , 2006 , Available at : lucy .ukc .ac .uk /csacpub /Russian /mamay .htmlMitchell , Gordon R . 2004 Public contention Action Research and the teaching Curve of New Social Movements Argumentation and Advocacy 40 :209 . October 9 , 2006 , Available at http /www .questia .com /PM .qst ?a o dOmvedt , Gail . 1993 . Reinventing Revolution : New Social Movements and the socialist Tradition in India . Armonk , NY : M .E . SharpePichardo , Nelson A . 1997 New Social Movements : A Critical Review yearbook Review of Sociology 23 :411Polletta , Francesca , and James M . Jasper . 2001 Collective Identity and Social Movements Annual Review of SociologyUnon go , T .B , 2003 , The difference between old and new! social movements Malcolm X and the Nation of Islam , October 7 , 2006 , Available at www .theimageofblack .co .uk /Social 20Movements 20- 20Terwase 20Bala 20Unon go .pdfPAGEPAGE 12Old and New Social Changes ...If you want to get a full essay, determine it on our website:

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